Sunday, April 22, 2012

Group Name: UpLeftRightDown

Group members: Shaheed, Richard, Khairul

Game plan: A first person adventure, going through a simple terrain that will be constructed by us.
Synopsis: The game will have the basic first person actions, moving around and jumping, we want to add features like shooting objects as well.

5 similar game concepts: Call Of Duty, Counter Strike, Battlefield, Grand Theft Auto,
Left For Dead.


Sunday, April 15, 2012

All About Me

Name: Lee Hou Loon
Christian Name: Richard
Hobby: Film making and music
Visual Effects Expertise: After Effects, Maya
Favourite Movies: Inception, The Dark Knight, Tron Legacy, The Pianist, Ironman, Transformers, Extremely Loud Incredibly Close.
Favourite Website: Vimeo, Youtube, Videocopilot.